Monday 15 August 2011

Reasons to be cheerful

My friend Claudia asked brusquely - "why is that ugly dog shaved like a lion still on your blog". Good question, as ever, Wah.

I've been lazy. And pre-occupied. But mostly lazy. And now I am back. And as for the cheer:

Reason 1: I got caught in the middle of a stick wielding mob today. Running through a nice part of town followed by policemen on horses (the mob, not me: though I tried to keep pace for a while). Three ways I could tell I wasn't in London: no-one was carrying a plasma screen TV, no-one was wearing a hoodie and scarf to hide their face and some of them were carrying vuvuzelas - which they tooted and sawed at the police. Who were mostly laughing. All of them were protesting their low municipal salaries - proof that they actually have jobs. Why this made me cheery: civil disobedience is good. Hooliganism isn't. Watch and learn thou oiks from blighty.

Reason 2: I'm going to have an op on Wednesday to sort out my sinuses and deviated septum 'once and for all' the specialist assures me. The most expensive "well it started as an earache ...." ever. Reason to be cheerful: I have medical aid, I can afford the co-pay. Lucky me.

Reason 3: I'm making risotto for dinner. With spring vegetables, great parmesan, lemon zest and nicely ripe avo. Reason this cheers me: it's my recipe, it's risotto, it's going to be delicious, I have all the ingredients I need. And I know how to make it really well.

And as a bonus - spring is here. The washing dried outside today. The garden smells of jasmine, the lemons are big and juicy. All feels well - not perfect - but good enough - in my world.

You'll find me with no reason to complain today.

1 comment:

  1. Still high summer here! Good luck with the op. My deviating septum was done 35 years ago! - although I possibly need to go back in for a retrim; it's deviated some more.
