Rambling thoughts
Jack and I have been wandering farther and wider than usual due to the fact that we both need to lose a couple of kilograms. Him because he is pear-shaped - and that does not bode well for his future. Me because I will be presenting myself in Italy in eight weeks time ... and I wish to look ... presentable. Some of the things that I have noticed on my perambulations:
- people say a warm hello to strangers if they are walking a dog (especially if the dog is a handsome fellow)
- there are other poop nazis out there who commend me highly for performing my civic duty
- the grounds of the UCT law faculty have wonderful sculptures and architecture
- many rugby players at the university wear alice bands to hold back their hair. On the field. Which leads me to wonder if this could be causing the problem with SA rugby.
- if the crowd walking home from Varsity lectures is anything to go by - we are on our way to happy, educated integration
- chicken bones make up a large percentage of the litter in the gutters
- followed closely by apple cores
- hair salons are the most popular small business in the Mowbray area
- it is possible to get a beer for R10 in some of the local taverns - two if you are a lady.
- in taverns, the definition of a lady is loose (excuse the pun)
- best not to make eye-contact with street people ... as they will immediately present you with a story of such disaster and mayhem that you will feel obliged to give them the R10 you carry for emergencies
Walking puts me into the flow of our little community - and brings home how wildly different one side of the tracks is to the other. Walking also puts me into my head in an easy contemplative way. With the changing scenery keeping thoughts moving. Jack has just arrived in my office with his lead in his mouth: time to go. Walking is obviously working for him too.
Another gorgeous picture of your boy...and there's nowt wrong with pear shaped! Can't wait to see you x